AncestromaniaThe components of Freelogy year 2009 project can now make a very good family tree software, called Ancestromania.
Version stable (Firebird 3 - ARCHIVE Version : GNOME or KDE 64 bits, KDE qt6. First Install Version : WINDOWS 32 bits or 64 bits or simple update on WINDOWS 32 bits ou 64 bits Portable Version : WINDOWS 32 bits or 64 bits Version : GNOME or KDE DEBIAN and UBUNTU 64 bits, Ancestromania-Data (Firebird 3), Ancestromania-Files. Version : GNOME or KDE REDHAT 64 bits, Ancestromania-Data (Firebird 3), Ancestromania-Files. Archive Version : GNOME or KDE 64 bits, KDE qt6. Version : Mac OSX 64. New Updates (Firebird 3 or 4 - First Install Version : WINDOWS 32 bits or 64 bits or simple update on WINDOWS 32 bits ou 64 bits (Firebird 4) Portable Version : WINDOWS 32 bits or 64 bits (Firebird 4) Version : GNOME or KDE, LoongArch GNOME, ARMHF GNOME on DEBIAN and UBUNTU (Firebird 3 or 4), Ancestromania-Data (Firebird 4), Ancestromania-Files. Version : GNOME or KDE, LoongArch GNOME, ARMHF GNOME on REDHAT (Firebird 3 or 4), Ancestromania-Data (Firebird 4), Ancestromania-Files. Archive Version : GNOME or KDE, LoongArch GNOME, ARMHF GNOME, KDE qt6 (Firebird 3 or 4).